Copyright Policy

Copyright Policy: abides by the Singapore Copyright Act 2021 and honors other applicable copyright laws, which protect the intellectual property rights of others. We expect all users to do the same. This Copyright Policy applies to the website and its mobile application (the “Platforms”) to address claims of infringement about copyrighted material owned or controlled by a third party.

If you believe that an App available on violates your intellectual property rights, you can submit your takedown notice here.

Submit a Takedown Notice

Please note that takedown notices can ONLY be accepted here. If you are an agent, your takedown request will only be accepted if you have valid authorization.

The designated email should ONLY be contacted for queries related to intellectual property rights, other than takedown notices. Takedown notices sent to any email address may be delayed or ignored.

Copyright Infringement

The Apksofthub Platforms Rules (including, without limitation, the Terms of Use, Copyright Policy, and Developer Agreement) do not allow uploading any content that infringes others’ copyrights. Each user is responsible for ensuring that they own or have the necessary permissions for the content they upload on the Platforms. The use of copyrighted content without proper authorization or a legally valid reason may violate the Platform Rules.

This Copyright Policy does not constitute legal advice and should not be treated as a substitute for legal advice. You should seek independent legal advice if you are uncertain whether any third-party content you intend to upload is protected by copyright.

Take-down Procedure

If you think your materials’ copyright has been infringed, you are required to send a take-down notice (in the form prescribed by the Copyright Act) to Apksofthub’s designated email. Upon receiving a valid take-down notice, Apksofthub will take reasonable steps to remove or disable access to the material by the Copyright Act.

Restoration Procedure

Once the material has been removed or access disabled, Apksofthub will take reasonable steps to notify the person who posted the material (the “Respondent”). The Respondent may, within the prescribed time and by the Copyright Act, send a valid counter-notice (in the form prescribed by the Copyright Act) to Apksofthub’s designated email, to restore the material. Apksofthub will take reasonable steps to restore the material, provided it is technically and practically feasible unless the copyright owner initiates court proceedings to prevent the restoration and Apksofthub is informed of such proceedings.

Form of Take-down Notice

A valid take-down notice sent to Apksofthub shall be signed by the complainant and contain the following information:

  • Name, address, telephone number, facsimile number (if any), and email address of the complainant, and an address for service in Singapore if the complainant is not resident in Singapore;
  • Sufficient information to enable Apksofthub to identify the infringing material;
  • A statement that the complainant requires Apksofthub to remove/disable access to the material;
  • A statement that the complainant, in good faith, believes the material is an infringing copy;
  • A statement that the information in the take-down notice is accurate;
  • A statement that the complainant is the copyright owner, exclusive licensee, or authorized to act on behalf of such owner or licensee;
  • Agreement that the complainant submits to the jurisdiction of the Singapore courts.

Form of Counter-notice

A valid counter-notice sent to Apksofthub shall be signed by the Respondent and contain the following information:

  • Name, address, telephone number, facsimile number (if any), and email address of the Respondent, and an address for service in Singapore if the Respondent is not resident in Singapore;
  • Sufficient information to enable Apksofthub to identify the material removed or to which access was disabled before it was removed or disabled;
  • A statement that the Respondent, in good faith, believes the material was removed or access disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification or does not infringe any copyright;
  • A statement that the information in the counter-notice is accurate;
  • Agreement that the Respondent submits to the jurisdiction of the Singapore courts.

Please note, under the Copyright Act, if a party is found to have made a false statement in their take-down notice or counter-notice, they shall be liable for damages to any party who suffers loss or damage as a result. They may also face a fine of up to $10,000 or imprisonment for up to 2 years if convicted.